Yes, we all need Communication but why do we need it?
To communicate simply means to pass across your message.
To share your thoughts.
To say what’s in your heart.
To express your feelings.
It is important to know that there is a process to communication
The Communication Process
This is very important in communication because without it, communication has not taken place. How do you feel when you talk and no one appreciates all the talk, either in words or currency? Most likely you will not feel great. This is because it is expected that when one talks, response is ensued so as to indicate that those words were received. That is the Process.
What I learned back in school was that in a communication process this is usually a sender and receiver and a lot of things in between them but one constant element is the rotation cycle of how the sender becomes the receiver and the receiver becomes the sender through FEEDBACK.
To answer your question – Why do we need communication?
We all need it for different reasons. Find below a few of them.
- To break assumptions. These misconceptions can be about you, your brand, product or business.
- To share your own side of the story by showcasing your efforts which were unknown to others. Now they can see the effort you put in place and can respect you for it.
- To increase interaction and friendship – Why do people have best or close friends? This is because there is so much flow of information between both parties, usually above 90%.
- Increases transparency and flow of information between different parties.